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Here’s How MUA Can Help Treat a Frozen Shoulder

Suffering from a frozen shoulder? This painful condition can limit your range of motion and have a significant impact on your everyday life. Luckily, there is a non-surgical intervention that effectively treats this painful problem—Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA). Read on to learn how this simple, efficient treatment can reduce pain, improve range of motion, and get you on the road to recovery from a frozen shoulder.

What Is a Frozen Shoulder?

Known in medical terms as adhesive capsulitis, a frozen shoulder is a common yet painful condition that’s characterized by pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It occurs when tissues in the shoulder joint thicken and tighten, developing scar tissue that limits the space around the shoulder joint and prevents it from rotating properly. Often, the pain from this condition gets worse over time—usually between one and three years after the initial injury.

People who have had a stroke, mastectomy, or other condition that’s caused the arm to be immobilized are at greater risk of frozen shoulder. Others at risk include people between the ages of 40 and 60, as well as those with diabetes or thyroid disorders. Luckily, frozen shoulder is a condition that can improve with the right treatment. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor if you suspect you’re suffering from a frozen shoulder.

Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

If you’ve been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, getting treatment from professional physical therapists is your best course of action. While traditional treatments include numbing medications injected into the joint, range-of-motion exercise, and surgery (in extreme cases), there’s a better way to deal with a frozen shoulder—MUA.

MUA, or Manipulation Under Anesthesia, is a highly effective way to treat a frozen shoulder. This treatment, performed under anesthesia, includes mobilization, stretching, and traction exercises.

An MUA procedure is performed with the patient sedated. The surgeon stretches and tears the tight shoulder joint capsule, causing the scar tissue to stretch or tear. As the tightness is released, it allows for an increased range of motion. In short, it frees the shoulder through simple manipulation without a single incision. After the procedure, immediate rehabilitation is necessary to prevent the condition from recurring, while reducing pain and restoring full range of motion.

Recovery includes taking pain medication to reduce pain and following a prescribed exercise regimen to restore range of motion. Within four to 6 weeks, most patients see a dramatic decrease in pain and a significant improvement in terms of mobility.

Start Your Recovery from a Frozen Shoulder Today

A frozen shoulder is painful and can be debilitating, but early treatment helps keep the condition from worsening. Don’t wait to seek treatment for your frozen shoulder—contact Impact Medical Group of Sarasota today. Give us a call at (941) 222-1157 to schedule your consultation and say goodbye to pain and stiffness for good!