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5 Ways To Tell If A Cash-Based Chiropractor Is Right For You

Traditional insurance-based chiropractors could be on their way out in place of cash-based chiros, and for a good reason. This new method of pay allows more people to get the care they need by being more accessible, but how do you know if you’re included in that group? The professionals at Impact Med Self Pay Chiro are here with ways to tell if a cash-based chiropractor is right for you!

1. Your Current Insurance Does Not Cover Chiropractic Care

One of the main reasons why people skip out on seeing a chiropractor even when they desperately need the help is because their insurance policy doesn’t support this service. Normally, paying for a chiropractic visit out of pocket can be extremely costly, but cash-based chiropractors are changing that. If you’re facing a roadblock regarding your insurance, you can pay less for individual visits upfront, no insurance required.

2. You Do Not Have Any Health Insurance

In a similar situation, some would-be patients give up on the idea of seeing a chiropractor because they don’t have any health insurance at all. Again, the topic of insurance isn’t even an issue with cash-based chiros who offer a packaged deal on individual visits at a lower cost. So even if you don’t have insurance, you can still seek the care you need for a healthier body.

3. You Have A Tight Or Fluctuating Schedule

With regular chiropractors, it can be weeks until the next available opening. Scheduling a date so far in advance can be a tricky situation for those who are frequently busy or don’t know what their schedule is going to look like on any given day. Cash-based chiropractors offer a more flexible way of attending sessions by allowing patients to come in at their convenience without an appointment.

4. You Only Want Targeted Adjustments

One of the reasons for the lower cost and flexible schedule is that each session only comes with what you need. While your typical chiropractic visit by appointment may include an entire exam, consultation, and full range adjustment that can add up to a couple hours or more, sessions through cash-based chiros only focus on your trouble areas to save you time and money. You may go through an exam during your initial visit just to see where you can improve so that every visit after that will be precise and practical.

5. You Have A Limited Budget

Another major reason for inquiring about cash-based chiropractors is the lower cost. A regular chiropractor visit can come out to a couple hundred or more due to all of the complications that come with the traditional way of doing things. Cash-based chiropractic visits, however, can cost as low as $23 when you opt for packaged deals which is great for those who feel like they don’t have the financial leeway for chiropractic adjustments.

The Best Cash-Based Chiropractor Near You

If you feel like a cash-based chiro is right for you, visit your nearest Impact Medical Self Pay Chiro or give your local office a call for more information. Get started on transforming your body to be better and healthier with a low-cost and easy-to-attend alternative to chiropractic care!