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Is It Legal To Self-Pay If You Have Medical Insurance?

In America, everyone dreams of having great health insurance. However, having a good insurance provider doesn’t always guarantee that you get the best prices. There will be some instances where paying yourself could actually be less expensive, but is that even an option if you already have health insurance? Impact Medical is here to shine the light on how it’s entirely legal to self-pay if you have medical insurance.

When The Affordable Care Act Isn’t Enough

There’s no denying that more Americans have had access to health insurance since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) came to be in 2010, but unfortunately, that alone didn’t solve everyone’s problems. Even though more people had become eligible for Medicaid, they are still faced with limitations that would stop them from seeking chiropractic care. Oftentimes, Medicaid will only pay for a small portion of a chiropractor visit leaving the patient with a leftover balance that’s out of their budget. Thankfully, a new way to pay for chiropractic care has come to light which offers lower rates without the need for insurance in the first place.

The Way Self-Pay Clinics Make Care More Accessible

Because healthcare presents so many problems with both patients and medical professionals (especially in Florida), chiropractors have found a new way to offer their services in a way that makes them more accessible to a wider demographic without even touching on the topic of insurance. Self-pay chiropractors offer lower prices per session, and will often provide packaged deals with even lower rates depending on the number of sessions per bundle. There are a number of ways that chiropractors make cash-pay practices possible, but the bottom line is that paying out of pocket this way can be easier on your wallet. But is it legal to pay this way if you have insurance? Yes, you’re absolutely allowed to pay cash upfront without having to get your insurance provider involved.

How HIPAA Protects You From Having To File Claims

One reason why it’s legal to pay out of pocket for your chiropractic session even if you have insurance is thanks to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, more commonly known as HIPAA. Due to HIPAA regulations, patients can choose to deny sharing their medical information and that includes denying access to insurance companies. At least, this is the case as long as the patient pays in full at the time of the visit. That means you can take advantage of the benefits of self-pay chiropractors without feeling obligated to let your insurance provider know.

What If I Have A PPO?

Just because you have PPO insurance doesn’t mean you have to use it. Even though it’s common practice to share your PPO information every time you seek medical services, you are not required to. This is still the case when visiting a self-pay chiropractor, even if they happen to be listed on your list of approved practitioners.

Self-Pay For Your Chiropractic Care At Impact Medical!

For a cash-pay clinic where you can self-pay for chiropractic care, visit your local Impact Medical office for amazing care at low rates! Call an office near you to speak with the friendly staff for more information on how you can receive quality services without needing to file an insurance claim.