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Combat Joint Stiffness With The Convenience Of Self-Pay Chiros

Do you find it hard to get out of bed or perform your daily routine because stiff joints stop you right in your tracks? Most people would call it quits and say, “It is what it is”, but an easy solution awaits you at your local self-pay chiropractor. Fight back against joint pain and enlighten yourself on the wonders of regular chiropractic care before visiting the skilled specialists at Impact Medical!

Why Do My Joints Get Stiff?

It’s common for people to experience joint stiffness at some point in their lifetime, especially as they get older. But what exactly causes this sensation, and is there a way to treat it?

How It Happens

Joints become stiff when you lose enough of the lubricating fluid around that particular area. The cartilage becomes thinner and the ligaments shrink to the point where displaying a full range of motion comes as a great challenge. The inconvenience factor of stiff joints can range from being a minor interruption to your morning routine to a more debilitating case that can be classified as a legitimate disability.

Stiff Joints? You Could Be At Risk Of:

Degenerative Joint Disease

Bone Cancer





Signs To Look For

Sometimes, it’s easy to identify joint stiffness. Other times, it can be mistaken for another condition. That’s often the case with pain and inflammation which seems to be a common symptom surrounding many issues. However, you could have joint problems if it becomes difficult to stand, walk, or sit. You may feel pain or discomfort when putting weight on your joints while walking or standing.

Common Treatment Methods For Stiff Joints

If you find yourself complaining about aches and pains around the joints, or you can’t move your limbs like you used to, you can try these popular at-home treatments for some relief:

  • Place a cold pack on the joint to reduce swelling.
  • Use a heating pad on the affected area.
  • Make an effort to rest more to give your joints a chance to relax.

Can certain medications help with joint pain? Learn more about the risks of prescription pain meds.

These methods may offer sweet, temporary relief, but they’re not meant to completely alleviate the underlying cause. A more effective way to loosen up stiff joints reliably is with frequent chiropractic care. A skilled chiropractor will be able to target your joints in a way that relieves pressure, brings back mobility, and lessens pain. The key is to visit often enough so as to not reverse the effects of the overall treatment process.

Ensuring That Chiropractic Care Helps With Your Joint Stiffness

When seeking chiropractic care for joint stiffness relief, it’s imperative to stay on track with a solid schedule for the best results. That may be difficult to do with insurance-based chiropractors that are often booked for weeks on end, but availability isn’t an issue with self-pay chiros. Self-pay chiropractors can be seen on a no-appointment basis, making it easy for you to swing by when you are able. This flexibility in service makes self-pay chiros the best way to get the care you need for joint stiffness.

Treat Your Joint Stiffness At Impact Medical!

Where can you find a self-pay chiropractor near you for treating stiff joints? Contact your nearest Impact Medical location today to learn more about how you can take advantage of our convenient cash-pay services for reliable care!