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Here’s How Physical Therapy Prior to Any Surgery Can Help

Any surgical procedure can take a physical toll on the body, enough to cause trauma and leave it feeling incredibly exhausted. Thankfully, you can reduce the negative effects with physical therapy (PT) sessions beforehand. The kind professionals at Impact Medical Port Richey will explain how PT before surgery can help you.

What is Prehabilitation?

Physical therapy before surgery is also referred to as prehabilitation. For pre-surgery PT, a physical therapist will start by giving you a full examination of the current state of your body. After giving you a detailed review, they’ll discuss a personalized plan with goals designed to give you the best possible results.

Your physical therapist will also act as a guide or teacher by showing you how to handle certain hurdles that you may come across after your procedure. This includes learning how to enter or exit a chair or bed, how to get across a flight of stairs, and how to use common facilities. They will also demonstrate various stretches and light exercises that can help you before and after your surgery.

The Benefits of PT Before Surgery

It can take as soon as one to two weeks for certain injuries to begin wearing down your muscle strength which is why it’s recommended to start prehabilitation as far out as six weeks before the operation. However, you’ll still see some results as much as two weeks prior to the surgery date. Depending on how long your pre-surgery PT is and how determined you are, you can coax along a number of wonderful benefits such as:

Reduced Muscle Loss

One of the main reasons for pre-surgery PT is to maintain muscle strength. You tend to lose so much strength during the procedure and it can be hard to recover if you’re starting from the bottom. By building on your muscle beforehand, the loss won’t seem as great which will help in your overall recovery.

Shortened Hospital Time

By having a higher muscle strength than you would have without PT before your procedure, it’ll be that much easier to make your goal which means you won’t have to stay in the hospital nearly as long.

Prevention of Surgical Complications

By keeping your body in better than average shape, there’s a less likely chance of complications arising during or after the procedure such as immense soreness or swelling which could lead to pain.

Increased Stamina

Stamina is essential when it comes to the recovery process. It can be difficult to even get out of bed in order to begin your exercise regimen if your body is too fatigued to move in the first place.

Restored Range of Motion

When your body suffers a direct impact, severe trauma, or has been still for extended periods of time, you can suffer from a limited range of motion compared to what you’re used to. Physical therapy uses repeated movements to guide your body into loosening up back to its normal condition.

The Best Physical Therapist in Port Richey

Do you have a surgical procedure coming up? Let the professionals at Impact Medical Port Richey make your healing journey considerably easier on you and your body. Call us today at (727) 848-3377 to schedule an appointment and receive the best treatment in Florida!