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Can Spinal Decompression Help Treat Post-Accident Back Pain?

Are you still suffering from a past car accident? If the chronic pain in your back, neck, or leg area has become too unbearable, it may be time to try spinal decompression. This innovative, nonsurgical treatment can alleviate pain and pressure when performed by the experienced medical professionals of Impact Medical Group of Port Richey. Read on to learn more about this interesting technique that can get you back on your feet in no time.

Spinal decompression therapy is a modern traction procedure that can effectively treat pain issues that affect the neck and back area. For those that have experienced accident trauma, chronic pain in the cervical spine and neck area can be debilitating. This style of treatment effectively reduces recovery time and restores mobility in a non-invasive way. A great first step in determining whether this treatment aligns with your health goals is to speak with a professional. At Impact Medical Group of Port Richey, our team of professionals conducts comprehensive health exams, reviews health history, and engages patients in exercises before offering a customized treatment plan. Along with spinal decompression, adjustments, physical therapy, manual, or muscle stimulation may be introduced to complement care and improve effectiveness.

What can patients expect during this process? Generally, spinal compression treatments are performed on a chiropractic traction table. Once comfortable, a secure harness is attached to the patient’s hip area. Then, the team gradually moves the table to create a gentle stretch to the spinal area. This technique will allow the spine and the nerves surrounding it to relax and lengthen while creating more space between the vertebrae. Treatment times can vary but generally last between 30-45 minutes. Pressure can be adjusted at any time during treatment. Most patients report a reduction in stiffness in just a few treatments.

Using this therapy consistently can strengthen the muscles in the treated area, which in time, can stabilize the neck. This can also alleviate pressure on the neck area, which causes a domino effect of reduced pressure on the cervical spine and its discs. Over time, spinal decompression will then stretch the spine’s structural position. This shift gives the spine a healthy change that realigns and restores function. With most back injuries, lingering pain can cause disc and degenerative changes to the spinal column. This may compress the spinal cord, resulting in excruciating nerve pain. Using spinal decompression techniques can increase the flow of blood and nutrients to the affected area, aiding in the overall healing process.

Are you ready to learn more about the benefits of spinal decompression therapy? Let our team help you reach optimal health. Call Impact Medical Group of Port Richey at (727) 848-3377 to make an appointment today!